Life Insurance
We are Insurance Brokers that only do Safe Money Retirement. We are NOT Registered Advisors. We will never put you in the stock market. We work with Indexed Life Insurance that is tied to the market you choose but you are not in it. If the indexed market you choose goes up your account will increase based on a cap. However if the market takes a down turn of any size you will stay where you are. And that is huge. We can provide a side by Side comparison. Call us for your Complimentary Consultation: (951)594-7459
Life insurance may be one of the most important purchases you'll ever make. In the event of a tragedy, life insurance proceeds can help pay the bills, continue a family business, finance future needs like your children's education, protect your spouse's retirement plans, and much more.
These days life insurance can be used for Tax-Free Income in retirement.
It can also be used as replacement for Long Term Care.
Saving for College without effecting your child's financial aid.
When funded correctly, you can borrow from it or against it for what every reason. To fund a wedding, College Education, Start a Business.
If you're considering securing your and your family’s financial future, we would be happy to review your current situation and offer a few ideas on how you can protect it! Schedule your Complementary Consultation Now
Term Insurance is the most affordable type of insurance when initially purchased, is designed to meet temporary needs. It provides protection for a specific period of time (the "term") and generally pays a benefit only if you die during the term. This type of insurance often makes sense when you have a need for coverage that will disappear at a specific point in time. For instance, you may decide that you only need coverage until your children graduate from college or a particular debt is paid off, such as your mortgage.
Final Expense
Loans, credit card debt, estate costs, the funeral... most people leave behind unpaid expenses when they die, expenses that, if left unattended, burden their families tremendously. Final expense coverage is life insurance that pays off these debts, ensuring that everything will be taken care of if you pass.
Indexed Universal Life-Known as IUL- My favorite
This insurance is often used as a Tax Free Retirement Vehicle.
This is permanent life Insurance that has a savings component that can be Indexed to different Indices. Your money will grow up to a cap or if the indexed you participated in goes up point to point usually yearly, your account will be credited up to the cap.
Or it can be indexed based on a participation rate. Meaning if the stock market you are indexing goes up by 5% & your participation is 200% then your account will be credited 10%.
The best part about this kind of insurance is if there is a market crash you will never lose. You never have to pay taxes on the growth of your account because its in a life insurance policy.
You will also pass on the money to your heirs Tax-Free.
Extremely Important- I do not practice as a Registered Advisor- Yes I have the credentials to do it, But I choose Not to.
Whole Life- mainly used for final expense
Whole Life Insurance is a life insurance contract with level premiums that has both an insurance and an investment component. The insurance component pays a stated amount upon death of the insured. The investment component accumulates a cash value that the policyholder can withdraw or borrow against. As the most basic form of cash-value life insurance, whole life insurance is a way to accumulate wealth as regular premiums pay insurance costs and contribute to equity growth in a savings account where dividends or interest is allowed to build-up tax-deferred.
Term with Living Benefits
Living benefits come in the form of life insurance riders attached to a life insurance policy. Sometimes they’re also known as accelerated death benefits and are available on both term life insurance and permanent life insurance policies.
Living benefits essentially allow the insured to access money from the policy’s death benefit while they’re still alive. These funds can be used to pay for expenses associated with terminal or chronic illness, such as medical care, hospice or nursing home care, in-home caretakers and more. The trade-off is that accessing living benefits reduces the death benefit available to your beneficiaries when you die.
14311 Newport Ave,
California 92780
Main Line
(949) 432-4777
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